Introducing Hot Stones: The Perfect Complement to Your Sports Massage

At Verdure Sports Massage, enhancing your massage experience and aiding in your recovery process is always a top priority. I'm excited to announce a new addition to service offerings: the Hot Stones add-on, now available for an additional $18 at booking.

This add-on blends the therapeutic warmth of hot stones with the targeted relief of sports massage, creating a synergistic effect that promotes deeper muscle relaxation without added pressure. Ideal for athletes and active individuals in Berkeley, the hot stones penetrate deeply to ease muscle tension and foster healing—making it the perfect enhancement to your Berkeley massage experience.

Why Hot Stones?

  • Deep Muscle Relaxation: The heat from the stones helps to relax muscles more deeply than traditional massage alone.

  • Stress Reduction: The gentle heat offers a comforting sensation that can reduce stress and anxiety.

    The Hot Stones add-on is designed for those looking to amplify their recovery post-training or to simply indulge in an extra layer of luxury during their massage at Verdure Sports Massage. It's a unique opportunity to enrich your Berkeley massage experience with the added benefits of this ancient practice.

To experience the benefits of this add-on, simply select the Hot Stones option when booking your next massage at Verdure Sports Massage. Embrace the warmth, and let it complement the therapeutic work of your massage, aiding in your journey to optimal health and performance.


Meet Verdure's Newest Massage Therapist, Maria.


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